TTS Pharma Ltd


Using the world’s leading extraction technologies we separate and purify the various components in bulk form ready for use as an Active Ingredient. We are interested in the provenance of the whole supply chain.

TTS Pharma is an ethical business to business supplier. We produce bulk Cannabinoids for use in ‘Unlicensed’ finished products within the Food, Cosmetics and Nutraceutical markets. At this time we do not offer ‘Licensed’ Pharmaceutical products or products for the ‘Medical Cannabis’ or ‘Specials’ Market.

We source our materials from sustainable European approved Industrial Hemp of which Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of at least 85 non-psychotropic cannabinoids found in hemp.  There has been growing interest in CBD and other Cannabinoids across Europe due to growing interest in the potential range of health effects and the possibility of providing extra revenues to farmers, in addition to income generated from industrial uses.

In mid-2018 TTS Pharma became the first Company in Europe to hold a Pre-Market Authorisation for CBD Isolate as an ingredient in cosmetics for four distinct uses whilst earlier in the same year the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed it from the prohibited list for athletes. CBD distillate oils are classified by the European Commission as having Novel Food status and, depending on the dosage, CBD is also classified as a pharmaceutical product. There is growing clinical evidence to suggest certain Cannabinoids may be useful across a range of therapeutic indications – although considerably more data is needed to confirm this.

CHOtrak is our transparent and accountable supply chain that brings order to the chaos in the market. CHOtrak builds trust for our stakeholders including Customers, Partners and Regulators.

For more detailed information about our products and services, please get in touch